As of July 13th, 2022, Illuminate Adelaide of South Australia is hosting a ground-breaking Artificial Intelligence and extraordinary projection exhibition “WISDOM of AI Light” created by Istanbul-based Ouchhh Studio as part of their 2022 program The concept for the exhibition involves feeding complex data sets into a responsive AI system to use data as the paint and algorithm as the brush to create breathtaking 360-degree digital sculptures. Data is drawn from over 20 million lines of theories, articles and ideas by the world great thinkers, from Galileo to Einstein and from 20,000 paintings of the Renaissance and Baroque to create a captive and awe-inspiring experience for visitors.
Novatech Creative Event Technology, Underdale SA, an acclaimed leader in producing of world-class events, as a Presenting Partner of Illuminate Adelaide, offered a technical solution for “Wisdom of AI Light” working from the bespoke projection design provided by Jayden Sutherland of the Bakery Design Co., Illuminate Adelaide Technical Manager. Instead of habitual wall projection or a series of screens, the experience was designed to be fully immersive with seamless merge of wall and floor projections to display the artists’ masterpieces on a 2000 sqm surface. The fascinating visual impressions are delivered by 16 units of Barco 4K laser projectors and intensified by glorious surround audio experience enabled by L-Acoustic.
Novatech knew Lightware’s UBEX system for years. They expanded their Lightware fleet of 4K video transport devices as their rental 4k beamers arsenal grew. Thus, when they needed an additional flexibility of the matrix to handle a more complex job like “Wisdom of AI Light”, it was a no brainer to convert the existing hardware into a matrix mode with the addition of a 10G network switch.
As an event professional, Novatech had tested out a lot of different 4K video transport systems before they settled on Lightware.

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625 Locust Street, Suite 300
Garden City, NY 11530
(631) 254-4500